I only brought developer and fixer chemicals with me and they sort of survived in my luggage, though my photoshop book got soaked (irony?). I can't believe the negatives came out so crisply, without stop bath or fix remover and with me having no idea what temperature the water here is and hence how long to develop them for. The roll on the left was also using a new camera I'm borrowing and had never shot with before. Luck, or instinct? I've always thought photography was a little bit of both.
Aside from messing up when winding the second roll onto the spool (hence the chemical stains) I'm pretty happy. I got impatient--try spending 20 minutes in an airless hot sweaty closet with a huge steel door in equatorial Africa, trying to roll film onto metal spools in the dark, with light leaks sneaking out from holes in the wall threatening to ruin everything. All in a day's work.
Yes! Now you have to shoow the negs with your digital camera so we can see proofs!