This little boy was hovering around when we were setting up but was scared of the teachers. My guess is either he was supposed to be at school that day or didn't go there and wanted to. After he ran out the door in the gate I didn't see him again.

The inside of the classroom we used:

When they march to and from classrooms all the students have to have their arms crossed.

Students were shy at first, peering around doors and running away when I said bonjour.

But soon they started crowding around the windows at recess or sneaking out of class to watch us.

I think our technical equipment intruiged them. Future filmmakers of the DRC?

Here is Pascal, our cop, who we pay to protect us and keep order when we're out shooting. His fan was giving him Congolese military salutes before I took this photo.

As soon as the superhero appeared everyone got REALLY excited.

He had them all chanting after him in the courtyard and the teachers had to chase them back to their classrooms.

A totally amazing day. These are a handful of about 200 photos I took. I'm filthy and exhausted and so happy to have spent all day with them. Merci, petits enfants!

Awesome! Do you have an idea for your project yet? I want an invite to your show when you get back.